Crime happens everywhere. It’s an unfortunate truth about the world we live in. But creating a safe and secure home doesn’t require big scary guard dogs and barbwire fences.
In this blog, we discuss the not-so-obvious home defense for detouring trespassers: security lighting.
There are many different lighting approaches that can be used for home security. The most common approach is to mount a fixture with two bright lamps high up on a wall where it can flood large area with light when a motion sensor is activated.
This type of security lighting can be effective. It’s a a simple way to throw a lot of light out over an area and make everything visible. However, there are drawbacks to this lighting approach.
Drawbacks to Motion Sensing Light
1. It can be an eye sore for your neighbors. While bright lights make it easy for you to see what’s happening outside your window at night, they also create a bright eyesore for your neighbors. Nobody wants to be the neighbor with the obnoxious lights capable of landing a jet plane.
2. Motion sensors don’t provide you light when you actually need it. This goes one of two different ways. Your motion sensing lighting either get triggered when they shouldn’t be (they get triggered when nothing is there), or they don’t turn on when they need to (when you walk by them at night or when you want to to look out the window and survey the area). Lights that stay on are better for this reason. 3. The biggest drawback to motion sensing lights? They don’t keep trespassers from entering your property. I know this will come as a surprise to most, but motion sensing lights are not very effective at detouring trespassers. The problem is that motion sensing lights won’t be triggered until after a trespasser has already made the decision to enter your property. Motion sensing lights aren’t a deterrence because there isn’t a light to keep trespassers away until after they’ve already spent time on your premises.
Every home is a target for trespassing mischief. Particularly dark homes. This should be the mindset of every homeowner when they are looking to create security for their home. An illuminated property creates a situation trespassers don’t want: being seen. When a home looks dark, when an intruder takes that first step onto a residence, they’ve already entered the mindset that this is the home they want to target. If a motion sensing light goes off after they’ve already stepped onto the property, it’s too late.
How Do I Keep Trespassers Out?
The solution is pretty simple; more light equals less trespass.
There are a number of ways to go about lighting your home and property. The tricky part is doing it in a tasteful way that creates beauty without sacrificing function.
For example, a large pole erected in the middle of the yard with a powerful lamp shining everywhere would provide you with a functional light without a doubt. But it lacks in subtlety and refinement.
One of the incredible things about low voltage landscape lighting is that it allows you to illuminate your home and property in a way that doesn’t create an eye-sore for the neighborhood. The benefit of a properly lit landscape is the enhanced quality of living; having peace of mind in subtle ambiance. Landscape lighting enables you to see what is happening throughout your property. But most importantly, it will detour invaders from attempting to enter your property. A well-lit residence is a place intruders will avoid.
If you’re looking to improve your home’s security, but aren’t sure where to start, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Our office hours are M – F 8 A – 4 P give us a call, we’re happy to help any way we can!
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